The MIFETM system 
for non-invasive measurement of specific fluxes in solution near living plant or animal tissue


Ion fluxes and Membrane transport Ion flux measurement theory References MIFE visiting research facilities MIFE hardware
MIFE features and application areas Methodological issues Reprints of MIFE papers MIFE software MIFE purchasing
UTas Biophysics Lab
MIFE user group

Membrane Transport & fluxes
MIFE Key Features
MIFE applications

MIFE theory
 ion flux theory
multivalent ion mobility
ionic mobility values
neutral molecule flux
Methodological isues
H+ flux in buffered media

System requirements


Univ of Tas
Eppendorf NP2


During the last 30 years, the MIFE system for non-invasive ion flux measurements has become a powerful tool for in vivo studies of membrane-transport processes in living organisms. Pioneered by Dr Ian Newman in the Biophysics laboratory at the University of Tasmania, this system has been adopted by leading laboratories across the world and is commercially available from the University of Tasmania. Initially developed for plant physiology research, the MIFE system is now used in other areas of life science. As we move into the post-genomic era of research, the micro-electrode ion flux technique allows cellular physiological measurements to be linked to specific genomic data, thus providing a valuable contribution to functional genome/phenome research.

 In addition to being available for purchase, the MIFE system is available as a visiting research facility. Researchers from 14 countries have used an opportunity to apply the MIFE system to a broad range of research projects. If you are interested to learn more about this possibility, please contact Professor Sergey Shabala.

This Web site is being set up to promote the MIFE system and to provide information about its use in various areas of life science. It also provides a basic overview of the theory of non-invasive ion flux measurements, as well as describes the existing MIFE  hardware and software.  The site also provides a link to the comprehensive collection of reprints of MIFE-related publications, compiled of ~ 110 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals. 

Two key references are

  • Newman I.A. (2001) Ion transport in roots: measurement of fluxes using ion-selective microelectrodes to characterize transporter function. Plant, Cell & Environment 24, 1-14
  • Shabala S. (2006) Non-invasive microelectrode ion flux measurements in plant stress physiology. In: Plant Electrophysiology - Theory and Methods (ed. A. Volkov). Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 35-71 

For further information please contact:

*           For all specific aspects of the MIFE hardware and software - Dr Ian Newman

*           For the feasibility of MIFE application and all related methodological issuesProfessor Sergey Shabala

*           For MIFE visiting research facilities -  Professor Sergey Shabala

*           To ask about the purchase of the new MIFE3 system - Director, BD&TT:  Dr Darren Cundy.


Maintained by Ian Newman. Date . ©  University of Tasmania.