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Physics Staff

Academic Staff (Faculty)

Name Phone: Interests
Dr Andrew Cole +61 3 6226 2438
Andrew.Cole@... Astrophysics: Radio Astronomy, Spectral Lines, Milky Way & ISM
Prof John Dickey +61 3 6226 2447
John.Dickey@... Astrophysics: Radio Astronomy, Spectral Lines, Milky Way & ISM
Dr Simon Ellingsen +61 3 6226 7588
Simon.Ellingsen@... Astrophysics: Masers, Intraday Variability, VLBI
Dr Peter Jarvis +61 3 6226 2425
Peter.Jarvis@... Theoretical Physics

Research, Honorary Research Associates & Postdoctoral Staff

Dr Jim Lovell (Research) +61 3 6226 7256
Jim Lovell@... Astrophysics: VLBI, IDV, AuScope
Prof Emeritus
Peter McCulloch (HRA)
+61 3 6226 2420
Peter.McCulloch@... Astrophysics: Radio Astronomy*
Dr Ian Newman (HRA) +61 3 6226 2422
Ian.Newman@... Biophysics: Salinity*
Dr John Greenhill (HRA) +61 3 6226 2429
John.Greenhill@... Astrophysics: Optical Astronomy*
Prof Emeritus
Robert Delbourgo (HRA)
+61 3 6226 2403
Bob.Delbourgo@... Theoretical Physics*
Professor William Erickson (HRA)+61 3 6226 2426
Bill.Erickson@...Astrophysics: Radio Astronomy*
Dr Hilary Cane (HRA)+61 3 6226 2426
Hilary.Cane@...Cosmic Ray*
Dr John Humble (HRA)+61 3 6226 2396
John.Humble@...Cosmic Ray*
Dr Tony Sprent (HRA)+61 3 6226 2427
Tony.Sprent@...Astrophysics: Optical Astronomy*
Dr Jeremy Sumner (Postdoc)+61 3 6226 1765
Jeremy Sumner@...Theoretical Physics
Mr Keith Bolton+61 3 6226 7538

General Staff

Mr Eric Baynes
+61 3 6226 2407

Technical Officer
Mr David Hughes +61 3 6226 2399
dghughes@... Laboratory Manager & Technical Officer
Mrs Karen Bradford +61 3 6226 2439
Karen.Bradford@... Exectutive Officer
Dr Kym Hill +61 3 6226 2437
Kym.Hill@... System Administrator
Ms Jade McKay
+61 3 6226 2401
Jade.Mckay@... School Office
Mr Brett Reid
+61 3 6248 5285

Brett.Reid@... Mount Pleasant Observatory Manager

Postgraduate Students

Email Interests
Jay Blanchard+61 3 6226 2449
Warren Hankey
+61 3 6226 2411

Astrophysics: Radio Astronomy
Sol Jacobsen +61 3 6226 2408
Theoretcial physics:
Robert Lipka
+61 3 6226 2416

Minnie Mao +61 3 6226 7170
Jamie McCallum +61 3 6226 7529
Astrophysics: Radio Astronomy: Observations of Circinus
Jim Palfreyman+61 3 6226 2416
Steven Walters
+61 3 6226 2810

Astrophysics: (Grad Dip)

* Indicates retired staff who are still conducting active research