What's New December 1997

Recently we removed the primary mirror on the 1m telescope to send it back to Canberra to be re-silvered. Here are some photos of the process.

First the hoist is raised to the base of the telescope to position the cradle which the mirror and its mounting frame will sit in once they are removed.
Here is a view of the underside of the mirror's mounting frame. The array of weights is designed to keep the mirror focussed even when the telescope is swung way over on its side.

With the cradle in place, the retaining bolts are undone and the mirror and frame are lowered carefully away from the telescope.
The mirror is now free of its mounting frame, and can now be lifted off with the help of the crane. It weighs around 350kg so it's a little difficult to manage, to say the least.

Easy... easy...

The mirror, with a protective metal cover, is now boxed up ready for shipping.

Here is a view of the mirror's mounting frame, showing the supports which hold it in place normally.

The lifting gear is all bolted to the top of the shipping box.

The shipping box is now wheeled out the door...
and onto the truck ready for the drive up to Canberra.

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10th December 1997