Future-making Science

What areas of science will make our future?

The Australian Academy of Science has identified eight fields that are of significant public interest and are likely to experience breakthroughs in the 21st century.  Physicists will be involved in all of them: -
Field of significance
Physicist contributions include
Changes of the global climate Measurements, instrumentation, mathematical modelling
Mind and brain cell and membrane biophysics, electric and magnetic measurements
Energy resources, transformations, envronmental assessment
Molecular structure and recognition surface physics, nanotechnology
IT, telecommunications and control in the Web era optoelectronics, radio techniques
Genetic engineering of plants and animals biophysical function of genes
The universe: Looking out - looking forward astronomy, cosmology, are we alone?
Ageing biomechanics

To Physics at the University of Tasmania.
To Australian Institute of Physics or the AIP Tasmanian Branch.